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A Lotto Lottery Economy

A lotto lottery economy has 1% winners and 99% losers, only worse.

Citizenship in the World Wide Webcam computer Internet is a manna from Heaven miracle, a Biblical "pearl of great value", worth more than lotto lottery victory money.

Compared to how much Democrat&Republican USAmerica sacrificed to read the NAZI party Enigma code machine and the secret of the atomic bomb in World War Two,
then how much more will people sacrifice to be a Netizen in a World Wide Webcam computer Internet?

Nowadays, who are the "one percent" in the USAmerica, Democrat&Republican monopoly, mainstream mass media, jargon?
 Few Computers Are Powerful Enough to Support Virtual Reality VR headsets are almost ready to hit stores, but less than 1 percent of PCs will be capable of running them.

Does the Democrat&Republican monopoly have more control over mainstream mass media in USAmerica nowadays
than how the NAZI party monopoly controlled mainstream mass media in Fuhrer Adolf Hitler Germany?

Will  mainstream mass media obey the Democrat&Republican monopoly in USAmerica,
then the USAmerica citizenship will obey the Democrat&Republican monopoly?
First mainstream mass media obeyed the NAZI party monopoly in Fuhrer Adolf Hitler Germany,
then the German citizenship obeyed the NAZI party monopoly in Fuhrer Adolf Hitler Germany.

Do military censorship and national security deception control the mainstream mass media nowadays,
even more than the World War Two deceptions of the D-Day invasion of Normandy in mainstream mass media?

With 99% losers in a lotto lottery economy, you won't get straight answers from a mainstream mass media that broadcasts how USAmerica is the greatest superpower on Earth, with the greatest military heroes, CIA-FBI-NSA spy community heroes, and police heroes.

Civilians who start families need 20 years of job security to finance a home with a school district for their children, kindergarten through high school diploma.
When workers have no decent civilian jobs, will they be forced to join the military, national guard, or police for a middle class living?