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Speed Gospel from the Space City

Houston, we have a problem.
Apollo 13 to NASA Mission Control, Johnson Space Center

Perfectly legal in worse Hell is perfectly innocent in worse Hell is perfectly forgiven in worse Hell.

Perfectly criminal in better Heaven is perfectly guilty in better Heaven is perfectly forsaken in better Heaven.

Only GOD is perfect.

I am guilty. GOD is innocent.

I am retarded. GOD is the wise genius.

I do some easy, simple parts. GOD always does all the hard, difficult parts.

I need GOD. GOD does not need me.

GOD created me to thank GOD and to praise GOD.

I do unto others as I would have GOD do unto me.

I vote but GOD decides.

Yes GOD is yes justice is yes law.

No GOD is no justice is no law.

One GOD, many languages, many nations.

Many are called into a law of the future, most fail,  few are chosen, one GOD. (Matthew 22:14 KJV Bible)  Failure is expected.

The road into worse Hell is wide and crowded. The path toward better Heaven is narrow and empty.

War battlefields or Nazi death camps are Hell.

Worse Hell is a real place.

Better Heaven is a real place.

Angels really exist.

Life after death is true.

GOD bless the electricity grid.

GOD bless the nuclear umbrella.

GOD bless the internet bubble.

All men are created equal, the son of a king is not a king, the son of a slave is not a slave, is a self evident truth.

I prefer to be an poor slave of GOD in better Heaven instead to be a rich king in worse Hell. (Matthew 16:26 KJV Bible). And the meek shall inherit the earth.

A person can be rich in faith or in piety or in happiness or in mercy or in compassion or in wisdom or in education or in friendship or in generosity or in health or in many other ways, not  just rich in money.

I was a communist, atheist, alcoholic, drug addict but the word of  GOD is saving me.

I learned anthropology, no math required, poverty as a second language, religion charity by trial and error, but mostly by error, in a deadly, dangerous, "school of hard knocks" in spy war Hell.

The World Wide Web computer Internet is a Biblical pearl of great value, or manna from Heaven miracle.