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Climate Change

How do you get rid of a moron?
Educate the moron.

But a K-12 education is expensive & labor intensive.

Highly educated people simply should accept the gift of stealth technology to use to disappear from the maps of less developed cultures.
Interface with less developed societies, to help them solve their problems, should be through the charity of a house of religion, a church, a synagogue, a mosk, a temple, or a shrine.

(World Wide Webcam computer internet is a stealth technology.)

How the Dark Ages started:
Barney & Clyde by Gene Weingarten, Dan Weingarten & David Clark, April 26, 2016 Via GoComics

Marketing monkeys:
Dilbert Comic Strip on 2001-05-04 | Dilbert by Scott Adams

Marketing writing bad copy like nobody's business:
Dinosaur Comics by Ryan North, April 27, 2016 Via @GoComics

Could it be that America disappeared from the maps of the ancient empires of Egypt, Greece, Rome, China, Persia and the Vikings
when Atlantis sank into the ocean in the last, great, man-made, global warming?

Thank God for better Heaven is a real place.
Thank God for miracles from better Heaven.