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Fall of Roman Empire, Rise of Roman Catholic Church 
(a domino effect like the Tower of Babel)

USAmerica Federal government is now set up for failure.
Whoever tries to fix the Federal government will get hurt, get their ass kicked.
Whoever makes the Federal government worse will be promoted in the Democrat&Republican monopoly.

USAmerica is set up for states' rights.
When the Latin Roman Empire broke, then Europe won states' rights for independent nations with languages other than Latin, languages such as French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, and English.
The Roman Catholic Church is what remained of a unified Europe with the Latin language after the Roman Empire fell.

Will USAmerica Federal government be abandoned like Angkor Wat in Cambodia or the Mayan Empire in Yucatan and Honduras?
Will a religion such as Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, or Judaism be what remains of a USAmerica that was unified by the Federal government under the English language?
Will mainstream mass media care about victims of the Democrat&Republican monopoly who suffer while states' rights is being organized for victory against USAmerica Federal government?

Don't get beat up and get your ass kicked.
Support states' rights and the break-up of the Democrat&Republican monopoly!

Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis, May 01, 2016 Via GoComics

US Federal Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)