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Francesco Petrarch, (1304-1374), would have said:

6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
Matthew 7:6
King James Version (KJV)
Bible New Testament
Public Domain

Giovanni Boccaccio, (1313-1375), would have replied:

26 Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.
Matthew 10:26
King James Version (KJV)
Bible New Testament
Public Domain

The Wrong Answer Is The Right Answer When The Right Answer Is A Military Secret

I can easily see how military generals of old can be defeated by weapons of today,
and how military generals of today will be defeated by weapons of the future.
But I can not see the weapons of the future having an effect on the nonviolent strategy for a civil rights, "Bill of Rights", victory by Mahatma Gandhi of India, or by Reverend Martin Luther King Junior of U.S. America.
The weapons of the future will not defeat the strategy of "nonviolence and amnesty for truth commission" that Nelson Mandela used in South Africa,
or the strategy of "nonviolence and amnesty for truth commission" that the Peru Truth Commission used on former President Fujimori and spy chief Montesinos.

I am still thinking about posting it, but O.K., here is a rough draft that will be subject to major revisions
(I would post corrected updates of this article, except familiarity breeds contempt):

Religion tells us to believe by faith that Heaven is a real place, Angels are real, and life after death does really exist. 

In much the same way, illiterate villagers, in a poverty Africa wilderness, must believe by faith that America is a real place. Could a poverty stricken villager win a lotto lottery gamble, maybe to see for themselves, that a skyscraper city, which has electricity, and supermarkets stocked overflowing with fresh or refrigerated foods, does indeed really exist?

Our military has secret technology that is decades ahead of civilian discoveries. Our national security has secret technology that is maybe centuries ahead of military discoveries. GOD has technology infinite years ahead of our national security. So secret military history pushes the commercialization of light bulbs decades before Thomas Edison and pushes the discovery of America decades before Christopher Columbus.

The Bible has long told us that angels coexist with mankind just as we know modern civilian cities with skyscrapers exist at the same time as primitive villages that are without electricity and without indoor plumbing, such as in Africa, India, South America and other less developed areas. There are also military secret cities hidden by stealth technology that exist at the same time as so called modern civilian cities with skyscrapers.

Wireless computers and cellular telephones in the civilian mass market are dual use technologies that have long been used to hide military secrets against civilians, as well as used for business and household conveniences. How long cellular telephones and wireless computers have been used to hide secrets against civilians is a military secret. Colleges, universities, politicians, and judges tell us that cellular telephones and wireless computers were invented by civilians in the last few decades.

All things come from GOD

Civilians inherit military secret technology. Our military inherit national security secret technology. And our national security inherit technology from GOD. The military leave a trail for civilians to follow in the discovery and commercialization of military secret technology. That way the military can deny ever having the technology before civilians, and they military can claim civilians discovered and mass produced the technology on their own. It has been called plausible deniability since the Nixon administration. When civilians have similar educations and tools they arrive at similar answers to new problems.

To prevent mutiny, our military have winner weapons against our civilians. Our national security have winner weapons against our military. And GOD has winner weapons against everybody. Before government can even start to worry about foreign enemies, government, whether military government or civilian government, must suppress mutiny within its own ranks. So government and mass media expend tremendous energy on crowd control. Our politicians and judges of the Democratic Republican monopoly are paid a lot of money and subsidies and immunity to hide military secrets and deceive the general population.  .

The military and national security are also very good at destroying evidence. The city of Detroit, Michigan is a now famous example of entire neighborhoods being abandoned and demolished, so empty lots or fields exist where heavily populated housing and businesses once stood. Even giant skyscrapers like the World Trade Center in New York City can be demolished and erased from the map.

Just as all photographic evidence of the death of Osama Bin Laden was ordered destroyed, a Dark Ages or Middle Ages can be orchestrated to destroy evidence as happened in Medieval Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire and fall of the international Latin language. Every city in the United States is facing the same decay, demolition, suburban sprawl, and flooding as Detroit, even if it is not as well publicized.

GOD's law is not man's law

GOD's law is not man's law and military secret history is not civilian history. The release of dual use technologies such as wireless computers and cellular telephones into the civilian market make civilian history and civilian law obsolete. Which is why many gifted students no longer take high school teachers or university professors seriously in history, law, or social studies, but instead drop out to specialize early in careers in trades or technology. High schools and colleges no longer prepare students for the job market with civilian histories of European colonization of America starting with Christopher Columbus in 1492 A.D. through the American revolution and World War Two.

Usually, gifted high school academics eagerly read current events in national and international news media in addition to their classroom studies. Many gifted high school intellectuals  turned to alcohol or drugs because they wanted to believe their teachers, but subconsciously realized that U.S. politicians were talking backwards by exalting military law.  News coverage of politicians talking backwards by glorifying military law, as in loose lips sink ships so free speech is a crime, royal monarchists are friends of George Washington and the founders of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the USA, collateral damage and incidentals are not murder, and that is just the tip of the iceberg ever since the Vietnam war or World War Two.

English speaking Americans are being invaded by military secret technology, law, and history much the same as native American Indians were invaded by European colonies in our civilian histories. Europeans with advanced technology and education, starting with Christopher Columbus and Spain in 1492 A.D., gradually forced native American Indian tribes onto Indian reservations. Just as native American Indian history, education, law, and technology became obsolete with the advent of European colonies, so also now the history, law and technology of English speaking Americans is becoming obsolete with the invasion of dual use, microchip technology for use in stealth military, or business, or household applications. In case you have not noticed, most of the civilian household goods and electronics bought by the vast majority in the United States are overwhelmingly made in China and Asian countries. The United States must start thinking of itself as the loser of the Vietnam war instead of the winners of World War Two.

For centuries, English speaking Americans learned the right answers in a history starting with the discovery of America in 1492 A.D.. Now that English speaking Americans have access to dual use, military, stealth technology, English speaking Americans must learn that the civilian version of right answers are wrong. The real right answers were military secrets.

 The purpose of military stealth technology is first to hide military secrets against our own civilian majority then later to hide military secrets against enemy militaries. Just as stealth technology can hide a stealth fighter jet plane or a stealth bomber jet plane against an enemy nation with a foreign language, so also stealth technology can hide an entire military city against our own civilians.

The Lord works in mysterious ways

Stealth technology makes all the difference.
If our government can not hide military secrets against our own civilians, then do not expect our government to hide military secrets against the armed forces of an enemy.

The military often stifles discoveries or commercialization of technology that they do not want in a civilian mass market. A military secret past is a civilian future. Military secret history is a civilian, mass market, future.  For example, military law will probably not allow Facebook or Google to connect the two thirds of the world who are not connected to the Internet.

Stealth fighter planes and stealth bomber planes must reduce their carbon footprint, among other variables, to become invisible to the enemy. Government is telling us to reduce the carbon footprint of civilian cities and civilian businesses to prevent man made global warming. But a dual use military agendas wants the civilian cities, and businesses, to reduce carbon footprints so as to be more hidden against less developed cultures. And English speaking Americans have been provided the wireless microchip technology to hide their cities against less developed cultures. Which gives civilians a choice to start using the boom in wireless microchip technology to make cities and businesses less detectable to more illiterate cultures or be herded into poverty ghettos much the same as native American Indians were herded onto native American Indian reservations. A paperless office is one way that business becomes less visible to less developed cultures.

Like Detroit, cities will be reduced in size as suburban sprawl is demolished and turned back into farmland and ranchland or park wilderness. And obsolete buildings will be demolished in favor of newer buildings with more advanced stealth technology and reduced carbon footprints. People will live more like on luxury cruise ships or submarines or space stations instead of to live in suburban sprawl. But living in a condominium designed on the principles of a luxury space station requires an advanced education that civilians are not getting from public education.

The old, civilian history and law taught in schools and colleges will gradually be replaced by military secret history and law in which discoveries and inventions and mass markets are pushed back further in time. Military secret history will explain more dark ages and empty timelines such as the disappearance of the Mayans, so history will be more continuous. Large chunks of the electromagnetic spectrum that were black since before the 1970s have been filled in, but most of the electromagnetic spectrum is still blacked.

In the Medieval Europe, Dark Ages, the right answer was that the world is flat because a round Earth was a military secret. The right answer was that the sun revolves around the Earth because the fact that the Earth revolves around the sun was a military secret. And the correct answer was that America did not exist since America was a military secret. Teachers told students that if you sailed west past the Pillars of Hercules, or Rock of Gibraltar, into the Atlantic Ocean you would fall off the edge of a flat Earth.

In fact, ancient Egyptians and ancient Greeks and ancient Latins among the educated classes knew that the Earth was round and even calculated rough estimates of the circumference of the Earth.

Stealth technology is our future. Africa is the richest continent on Earth, but if they have any advanced military capabilities, then it is hidden by stealth technology.  All we see is poor or starving Africans the way Christopher Columbus only saw primitive indians when he crossed the Atlantis Ocean in 1492 A.D..

Stealth technology will hide advanced knowledge and advanced civilization against civilians and less developed cultures.  Nuclear power in nuclear submarines and in aircrafts carriers is highly portable, and a prototype for nuclear power in spaceships and space stations.  Our civilians under global warming restrictions will inherit nuclear power from nuclear submarines and nuclear aircraft carriers that are now in military law.

What stealth will our military inherit from national security law? What will national security law inherit from angels in Heaven? I do not know, but civilians in so called developed nations who embrace wireless, world wide web, internet, webcam, stealth technology are indeed welcoming an inheritance from military secret technology.