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American Graffiti from the Space City

Because the wrong answer is the right answer when the right answer is a military secret
Winston Churchill : The truth must be surrounded by a bodyguard of lies.

National debt to the penny
Worse than a ponzi scheme, it is a lotto lottery gamble. ("Bernie" Madoff received 150 years in prison for a ponzi scheme between 18 or 65 billion dollars. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard_Madoff)
All the king's horses
and all the king's men
could not put Humpty Dumpty
back together again.
Like the fall of the Latin Roman Empire and the rise of the Latin Roman Catholic Church.
Or like the fall of the Latin Roman Catholic Church and the rise of Protestant churches.

In civilian law I am presumed innocent unless proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
In military law I am presumed guilty unless proven innocent. (French Napoleonic law, statutory law)
In national security law I am guilty, but I can be saved by good works. (Our government hides military secrets against civilians. One can not serve both God and mammon.)
In religious law I am guilty and can only be saved by the grace, or charity, of GOD.

If the Democrat Republican monopoly do not win in civilian law then they invoke military law.
If the Democrat Republican monopoly do not win in military law then they invoke national security law.
If the Democrat Republican monopoly do not win in national security law then they invoke religion law.
If the Democrat Republican monopoly do not win in  religion law then they invoke civilian law.
And so on and so forth, permutations and combinations, loopholes and unwritten civilian law.

The great accomplishment of the American Revolution of 1776 was to reject monarchy and to establish democracy:
to reject Caesar and to reject Pharoh and to reject the European aristocracy.

Royal aristocracy, do not tread on me. What makes your children better than our children? We have mandatory public education in U.S. America. Judge us by the content of our character, not by our genealogy, or heredity. GOD is the King of recombinant DNA, genetic engineering, transubstantiation, and metaphysics.

There is "Common Sense" by Thomas Paine, then there is commoner sense.
No matter what the cost in blood and treasure shed by American commoners, peasants, serfs, and peons, the Democrat Republican coalition uphold the royal family Kings of: Japan, Canada, Britain, Europe, Thailand, Asia, Lesotho, Africa, Saudi Arabia, and the Middle East.
(Except when President Jimmy Carter let the Shah of Iran fail.)
Birds of a feather flock together. As if royalty are a genetically superior race of aristocratic supermen, far greater than the Nazi race of Aryan supermen, therefore the amount of blood/treasure shed by American commoners and peasants and peons is irrelevant.
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and the founders of the 1776 American revolution, Declaration of Independence, and Constitution of the United States wrote that the answer is self evident..

William Shakespeare "Hamlet" — ‘There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in our philosophy.'
Mabillard, Amanda. Shakespeare Quick Quotes. Shakespeare Online. 20 Nov. 2009. < http://www.shakespeare-online.com/quickquotes/quickquotehamletdreamt.html > .

Sorry about the rapid iteration prototyping, rip, and spaghetti code. Graffiti is a spaghetti monster, (a "no goto rule" monster, or spaghetti code, in modular programming).

1 Samuel 8:18-19
18 And ye shall cry out in that day because of your king which ye shall have chosen you; and the Lord will not hear you in that day.
King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain
19 Nevertheless the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel; and they said, Nay; but we will have a king [instead of judges*] over us;
*[instead of judges who are able to discern the law of Moses and other scripture]
*[after the escape from King Pharoh of Egypt but before occupation under King Caesar of Rome]
*[1 Samuel 8:3 KJV the son of a judge is not a judge, the son of prophet is not a prophet]

YUSUFALI: ...Say: "Are those equal, those who know and those who do not know? It is those who are endued with understanding that receive admonition.
Translations of the Holy Qur'an, Chapter 39:
AZ-ZUMAR (The Crowds, Throngs, Troops)
ayaat 9

I've got nothing to say but it's O.K.
The Beatles "Good Morning, Good Morning"

Well I knew what I could not say
The Beatles "She Came In Through the Bathroom Window"

95 theses on the church door
95 theses on the church door
You take one down
And pass it around
94 theses on the church door...
(To the tune of  99 bottles of beer on the wall)

The first answer is the simple, uh, best answer.
The Pope was right the first time.
The world is flat.
Atlantis sank into the ocean.
America does not exist.
Galileo and Copernicus are heretics.
The Sun circles around the Earth.
The Earth is the center of the universe.
Charity starts in the home.
Ignorance is bliss.

Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me.

A funny joke in better Heaven is deadly danger in worse Hell.

Good nutrition is self defense. The right to bear arms is self defense. Good hygiene is self defense. Literacy education is self defense. And many more examples of self defense.

Space city speed gospel is just a rip-off of the ancient Hindu caste system in India:

Space city speed gospel is just a rip-off of the ancient Japanese caste system:
Shinto priests
Emperor, royal family, and their ninja spies
Samurai military
Guilds and blacksmiths
Rice farmers and peasants

Koran law
Hadith law
Sunnah law
Sharia law
(A famous saying is that Hadith is equal to Koran because men never lie. In Islam, the Koran is the word of GOD in Arabic.)

Speed gospel from the space city is as obvious as Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

The Hierarchy of IoT “Thing” Needs
Posted Sep 5, 2015 by Jim Hunter (@theiotguru)
To define an IoT “Thing,” I’m going to employ Maslow’s hierarchy of needs — that well-known human psychology paradigm typically displayed in the shape of a pyramid, with the most fundamental human needs (physiological needs like air, food and water) at the bottom and rising to the most esoteric needs (self-actualization or expression of full potential) at the apex

iot pyramid
Crunch Network

Dinosaur Comics by Ryan North, April 27, 2016 Via @GoComics 

The American Psychiatric Association says NAZI Fuhrer Adolf Hitler was not mentally ill. Ergo, the American Psychiatric Association are as sane as NAZI Fuhrer Adolf Hitler. As if trying to conquer the world is not a delusion of grandeur. As if severe addiction onto powerful, recreational drugs each and every day while on the job is not a mental illness.

Former NAZI Wernher von Braun, (March 23, 1912 – June 16, 1977), became the public leader of the NASA Apollo space program.
Meanwhile his fellow NAZI party SS members, (who were more involved in death camps and medical atrocities before being absorbed into F.B.I. style witness protection programs, much the same as Japan's Unit 731 was given immunity from prosecution), secretly became the leadership of U.S. American psychiatry.

To hide the secret carpet bombing of Laos and Cambodia by B-52 squadrons before the publication of the Pentagon Papers, the Democrat Republican leadership copied the same methods used in NAZI Germany to hide death camps in World War Two.
Although many witnesses and some escapees reported detailed evidence of NAZI death camps to allied media, Freudian psychiatrists labeled them as paranoid schizophrenics, conspiracy theorists, deluded, hallucinating, mentally ill, alcoholics, or drug addicts. The witnesses or escapees ended up suffering, or being crippled, in allied psychiatry wards, or being otherwise dismissed.
Holocaust denial is a result of there not being a single story about the Nazi death camps in mass media news & editorials until the Soviet Union USSR liberated Auschwitz and printed an article in Pravda.  Before that, reading news such as the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, or any of the most reputable mass media was proof enough that NAZI death camps did not exist.
In the same way the bombing of  Laos and Cambodia did not exist no matter how many witnesses reported or how much evidence was presented to major, mass media, news and editorial, organizations.
President Truman and Dwight Eisenhower used the same methods to hide NAZI German resistance and guerrilla warfare after the official surrender of Germany in World War Two.

The NYPD New York Police Department stole national security equipment to spy on Muslims, Catholics, Jews, and Buddhists. Stolen equipment was also used for personal gain either by mafia style extortion, blackmail, and other spy crimes or else by Benedict Arnold, Aldrich Ames, Jonathan Pollard, royal Grand Cross Bath Knight George Bush style. Stolen national security equipment was also bought through fences.

Presidential candidate Mitt Romney has binders and binders of women and so did the East German Stazi.

As with the East German Stazi, the Mormons and their prophet king are a cult of pathological liars and paid informants who use stolen national security equipment to enforce their politics in Utah and commit other, worse, spy crimes. Recently the Mormon Church of Latter Day Saints were forced by circumstances to confess they lied about how founder Joseph Smith only had one wife in their official history. Founder Joseph Smith had many, many wives. With stolen national security equipment, the Mormons cleanse internet search results about Laminites and anything else the Mormons might find embarrassing, even jokes about Mormons. Technically, the Book of Mormon was written by the last of the Nephites, so they are all Lamanites anyway, not Nephite royalty. Their obsession with genetic, heredity, genealogy is futile.

Head of Russian counterintelligence Aldrich Ames was sacrificed to draw suspicion away from former CIA, career professional, George Bush. Whatever President George Bush leaked to Her Majesty's services in the United Kingdom went straight to our cold war enemies. Much the same as stolen national security equipment the NYPD used to spy on Muslims, Catholics, Jews, and Buddhists ended in the hands of  organized crime and cold war enemies.

Now government officials can blame all national security leaks on Edward Snowden, which draws suspicion off the real sources.

What adult would teach children to never apologize? Royal Grand Cross Bath Knight George Bush, apparently. Can you say real sicko?

President George Bush is in the Episcopal Church, which is part of the Anglican Communion with the British monarch as leader. The monarchists believe in government royalty. They tried to kill President George Washington and the founding fathers of the United States of America, and to destroy the United States Constitution and Declaration of Independence.

Communists overthrew the czar royalty in the Russian Soviet Union and rid China of emperor royalty, same as the American revolution overthrew royalty in the United States and the French Revolution overthrew royalty in Paris and the Mexican revolution rejected royal aristocracy.

The USAmerican, Baghdad Bob, media should preach how democracy is better than royal monarchy instead to preach how royal aristocracy is better than communism.
The barriers to entry have been raised for democracy. Proportional representation is democracy instead of two party democracy.

How could Hillary Clinton vilify communism, scream bloody murder on Libya, and kow tow to royal monarchies from Britain to Japan to Thailand to the Middle East? She has Yale law school NAZI Fuhrer Adolf Hitler "not a mental illness" syndrome endemic to all Ivy League and elite Universities. Elite colleges have become places where the Jerry Sandusky, Spartan Line, Greek gymnasium style coaches have taken charge of public boss chief leadership.

The national security team of Grand Cross Bath Knight George Bush and Hillary Clinton tried to make Wafic Sadowi into the king of Libya, a plan first hatched before 1984. Wafic Sadowi is descended from Libyan royalty in an old Libyan kingdom or something. Wafic Sadowi. Wafic Sadowi. Wafic Sadowi. C.I.A. puppet seeks lotto lottery gamble victory.

Who wants to be Gollum, lord of the spy ring of power? Politicians who scream military law and national security law instead to focus on civilian law, which is common law. Most school children in the United States are familiar with the corrupt Gollum from The Hobbit story by J.R.R. Tolkien, my precioussssssss.

Be Gollum, lord of the spy ring of power? Confucius say not for all the T in China. T stands for Tong. Not for all the ninja in Japan.

Obamacare bails out hospitals the way the Resolution Trust Corporation bailed out banks. Toxic assets.

Military law, or war, legalizes violent crimes by violent criminals against an enemy.

The FBI, CIA, national security community, armed forces, and the police have become nothing but bodyguards who keep the Democrats and Republicans in power while shutting out communists and all other third parties. The national security community, military, and police are now expert fighters who are trained to fight dirty, lie, cover-up, deceive, cheat, steal, rob, murder, trick, trap, molest,  rape, commit war crimes, torture, assault, maim, mutilate, terrorize, cannibalize, pillage, plunder, whatever it takes to win a fight or enrich themselves or other mercenary ambitions.

15Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.
Matthew 23:15
King James Version (KJV) 
29And ye shall waste your sons, and your daughters shall ye waste.
Leviticus 26:29

They are veterans who are more battle hardened and expert than any draftee from World War Two, the Korean war, or Vietnam war, (police action, teddy bear fight, whatever you want to call it). Talk backwards like the Devil, loose lips sink ships, free speech is a crime, murder is legal (in war), (as long as you can distinguish friend from foe), or else it is collateral damage and friendly fire accident. They say history is written by the winners, but they win every battle with their murderously dirty tricks and lose the war.

Is it because the Democrat Republican monopoly built a military to be ready and willing to launch a nuclear war with atomic bombs that will kill billions of people?
The national security community of political appointees, are murderous dirty fighters, savage barbaric warriors, who do not hesitate to use inside information, insider trading, price fixing, price collusion, etc., either in war or to hide their own crimes as military secrets or to pursue other ambitions such as to enrich themselves.
Except for Jimmy Carter, always the optimist, who left the Presidency poorer than when he was first elected, as his assets were put in a blind trust that lost a lot of money.
Just about all our other politicians and their political appointees manage to make out filthy rich like bandits.

Good cop, bad cop. Bad cop never gets arrested. Good cop covers up for bad cop.
Except when Frank Serpico was front page news in the Knapp Commission.
The unfortunate fact is that the Democrat Republican monopoly have more than enough political appointees in the judiciary and their bodyguard of national security community, military forces, and police, to staff worse than an entire World War Two Nazi death camp system. Employees who are coerced or obedient or ruthless or willing executioners or love violent crimes. USAmerica hospital psychiatry wards can supply more manpower and medical atrocities now than German hospital psychiatry wards supplied the Nazi party death camp system of World War Two.
CIA rendition torture, Guantanamo, Chicago police Homan Square, black sites, black ops, secret Osama Bin Laden wars against the Soviet Union, secret Saddam Hussein wars against Iran, secret contra wars in Latin America, years of secret carpet bombing squadrons by B-52s on Laos in the Vietnam war, are the tip of an iceberg.
Savage warriors of the Democrat Republican bodyguard use gut feeling instead of probable cause. A judiciary ignorant about the hatred of secret writs and secret witnesses in the American Revolution of the Federalists Papers, the U.S. Constitution, and the U.S. Declaration of Independence.

Backwards like the Devil, the wrong answer, reverse psychology, convoluted psychology, psychiatric weapons, psychological war.
Straight out of Compton? Straight into the land where Nazi Fuhrer Adolf Hitler did nothing wrong.

This is the era of the professional soldier, the all volunteer army, the contractor, the mercenary, Frederick the Great grenadiers of the Prussian aristocracy, the czar's men, gladiator, ancient stone-age Zulu spearchucker warriors,.
President George Washington warned us about large standing armies and foreign entanglements.
A small core of professionals to train a large draft in event of an emergency, declared war is actually supposed to be official doctrine. But the Defense Department is the largest employer in USAmerica, a very large, humongous, standing armed forces.

The national security community, armed forces, and police are products of gym coaches, not the result of reading, writing, and arithmetic taught in English, Social Studies, Math, and Science classes. In fact they are the bottom of the academic community, football heroes who should have been in special education classes but were kept in the mainstream and graduated by the coaches' intervention to reward their performance in sports. A few exceptions are put into special teams where they are used to prove how educated professional fighters are. After all, if it is a fair fight, you did not plan it right, and they are professionals. And with trillions of dollars of national debt they can afford plenty of special teams and plenty of cheating and deception.

The national security community, armed forces, and police are chock full of war criminals, just like the Democrat Republican parties they guard. What better way to keep a Hillary Clinton consensus, bipartisan monopoly in power, and to shut out communists and all other third parties and to keep the Baghdad Bob mainstream news media pool reporters in line. The Democrat Republican judiciary works most closely with police, so the judiciary is a worse case of corruption and royal lifetime incumbency. Democrat Republican judges, legislators, executives,  and their bodyguards of national security community, armed forces, and police are all in the FBI witness protection program so they become impossible to prosecute by equal protection under the law and  due process. FBI witness protection gives them royal aristocracy, national security, diplomatic immunity, separation against the peasant class of commoner civilian citizens. Internal Affairs are chock full of war criminals so they find themselves and people just like them to be innocent. Blame the victim just like in football player date rape or gang rape crimes.  War criminals have been methodically promoted throughout the Democrat Republican system since World War Two. The more communism was vilified and the more monarchy was glorified, the more war criminals were promoted into boss chief leader jobs. It was a no brainer for the Democrat Republican system to make Aldrich Ames head of CIA counterintelligence for the Soviet Union.

(Baghdad Bob is Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf who was the Iraqi Information Minister under Iraqi president Saddam Hussein during the 2003 invasion of Iraq. en.wikipedia.org)
(Baghdad Bob was captured by Delta Force and told what to say on Iraqi television to the people of Iraq, which was a lot of reverse psychology, psy-ops, psychological war about how Saddam Hussein was winning huge victories and the Americans were losing completely.)

With few exceptions, personnel in Democrat Republican politician jobs, CIA FBI national security community, military armed forces, and police all think they have enough proof of crimes against each other, proof that they could make public, to allow them to cover up the crimes they commit, and to cover up each other's crimes, so as to never allow them to be tried in public by equal protection and due process under the law. They can blackmail each other because they know where the bodies are buried and the treasure is hidden, so to speak, the evidence.

Of course Democrat Republican politicians and their bodyguard of FBI national security community, military armed forces, and police give themselves the same immunity against prosecution that is given onto war criminals and organized crime figures who are in witness protection style programs.

Democrats and Republicans glorify military law and admonish civilian law. The fighter is glorified above the worker. The Roman Colosseum stadium for baseball, basketball, and football is glorified above the classroom and library for educated workers. The samurai is glorified above the educated worker. Meanwhile, communists, you know, the guys with all the factories in China, exalt educated workers above fighter heroes and exalt civilian law above military law and exalt education above sports.

The military formula for success now applies in civilian jobs: trash the core curriculum of general knowledge in order to specialize as soon as possible, whether in sports, a computer program, or technical ability. So staff are compartmentalized on a "need to know" basis, making the job of each specialist a military secret to the different specialists.
The famous old joke is that a newborn knows nothing about everything. Then we learn more and more about less and less until a Ph.D. doctorate knows everything about nothing.
With a clear conscience, my eye doctor tells me not to exercise because of a blood clot in my cornea. At the same time, with equal certainty, my cardiologist tells me to exercise strenuously at least 20 minutes a day.

On the other hand, I was trained in ISO 9000, where I document my job to train my replacement. After my replacement takes my job then I would be transferred laterally or promoted, in theory.
Lateral transfers and promotions are more like a 1988 Volvo car factory under Roger Holtback in Sweden at Kalmar, then Uddevalla, where staff end up learning to build an entire car, not just a cog on an assembly line.

But the military perverted ISO 9000 as a way to make employees expendable and easily replaced should the employee die in a nuclear holocaust. Employees who were good at ISO 9000 were generally replaced then lost their jobs.
Corporate spies also tried to pervert ISO 9000 for personal profit through espionage and sabotage.
In a similar flavor, the Toyota system tried and failed to educate companies in USAmerica. Toyota failed because lotto lottery, risk lover, gamblers in boss chief leadership are endemic in USAmerica.

Brad Katsuyama of the Royal Bank of Canada invented a "no jerk rule" for those risk lovers while he proved the stock market was rigged, then he tried to fix the stock market. Jerk, like in graduate school when my marketing professor told us to be risk lovers because he predicted light beer would be a best seller but the beer manufacturers were risk averse. The jerk even illustrated risk lover with an exponential graph.
Anyway, Goldman-Sachs and major corporations were tipped off by inside information that the FBI would investigate stock market corruption, so they used IEX, "the clean exchange" who proved the corruption, to cover themselves.
Inside information, like in graduate school when I applied for a national security job and my law professor announces before the entire class that his informants told him someone in the class applied for a national security job.
By the time Goldman-Sachs became an IEX customer, the prop shop people had a workaround and the markets are still fixed. Just make sure the trades are so convoluted that people do not notice barter as in mergers and acquisitions paid in stock.

Elite Ivy League colleges, where money from legacy admissions takes precedence over merit,  have created obsolete courses taught by obsolete tenured professors, and fraternity sorority test banks for tests that hardly change semester to semester, which is the real reason for "test wise" test takers in psychology on tests that have not changed in sixty years. Graduates from these fraternity sorority, (ahem, Yale Skull and Bones), diploma mills for the rich became the boss chief leaders who racked up 16 trillion dollars in national debt, a crumbling national infrastructure, and manufactured goods made in China or anywhere but the United States of America. All U.S. cities look like Detroit, but are not publicized. Feed a suburb, starve a downtown city, 100 year flood plain my patooie. Sure China lent us money, but they took our factories as collateral and moved them to China. Our boss chief leaders just wanted the money.

Our elite law schools don't know the difference between civilian law and military law. Instead of documenting common law precedents that define civilian law for practical reasons in the evolution from a ranch society into a city society, they use military law precedents. The military precedents are just because a commander or king said so. We wear blue clothes today because the commander said so. Obedience is better than sacrifice. Tradition is why we wear blue clothes. How did the tradition start. When a commander or king said, "because I said so.". Maybe the king invested in a blue clothes business and had a huge surplus of blue clothes he needed to dump on the market. Regardless, the king said so, so we obey. So instead of common-law based on the practical needs of the public, our civilian law is based mostly on statutory law based on decrees and orders from royal law and military law.

There is a royal reason why statutory law is called Napoleonic law and a Napoleonic complex is a delusion of grandeur.

The KJV Bible, Old Testament, One Samuel, chapter 8, warns us not to choose a king, monarch, or royal aristocracy. The Star of David flag, the star of King David, is a bad omen that portends King Ahab, Queen Jezebel, King Herod type Jews in Israel,  the type of Jews who vilified Moses for the manna from  Heaven food to instead exalt the full fleshpots of food they ate when they were slaves back in Egypt under king Pharoh..

In Islam, everyone is equal except by piety, or faith in God. The Koran says no one will exceed the piety of Prophet Muhahmed (pbuh), and only Jesus Christ, Easa, (peace and prayer be upon him) will return. Prophet Muhahmed (pbuh) ascended into Heaven and will not return, according to the Koran.

Muslims do not believe in kings and royal aristocracy. The Koran says the son of a prophet is not a prophet and Muhahmed (pbuh) is the last prophet. So if you are a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhahmed (pbuh), or you are descended from royalty, Muslims are not impressed. Work on your own merit.

After World War Two, the Democrats and Republicans chose to defend royal aristocracy and to vilify communism. The United States mainstream media are Baghdad Bob pool reporters, a trend started in World War Two and entrenched in the Korean war and Vietnam war. The Democrat and Republican parties are fast solidifying into a royal aristocracy monarchy. Gerrymandering is the least of the crimes that they claim are legal. Hey pool reporter, what would you and your publishers do for a White House pass to be at the President's press conference?

Jesus Christ (peace and prayer be upon him) is our only king, not Caesar, not Czar, not Queen Elizabeth, not Emperor Hirohitosan.

Americans are not ignorant. Which is why most eligible citizens stopped voting. Americans know the Baghdad Bob mainstream media, pool reporters, print garbage stories which is why we get garbage government. Garbage in, garbage out. Support royal monarchy aristocracy to become royal monarchy aristocracy. Exalt King Emperor Caesar, crucify Christ. Nowadays, most citizens are too tired working trying to make ends meet so they do not even try to make time to read the garbage mainstream news.

An educated U.S.American is our best defense against royal monarchy. Unfortunately, the Democrat Republican leadership are ignorant, (particularly in the Ivy League law schools, judiciary, police, armed forces, and national security intelligence community).

The Democrat Republican monopoly are resurrecting the royal aristocracy monarchy in Europe and the Middle East: Caesar in Europe and Pharoh in the Middle East. Once again, royal monarchy will turn USAmerica civilians into peasants and serfs who have no individual rights, no Bill of Rights, no life, no liberty, and no pursuit of happiness.
Oh, it is Princess Diana's wedding. Oh, Prince Charles has a new yacht. Oh, Prince Harry had a baby. Oh, Princess Hirohitosan is so shy.

The U.S. President is the biggest vote getter and he wins with little more than 20% of the vote, and that is inflated since the votes are rigged to match the polls, and the polls are dictated by military law and national security law. So real ballots are simply replaced by vote counts that match what the Democrat Republican bodyguards are told the vote count should be.
Royal grand cross bath knight George Bush was probably the worst cheater since his sport hero, CIA buddies rig elections in third world nations, even coups and assassinations, with regularity. In other words, nobody is electing these people. Real polls would count the number of eligible citizens who do not vote. Nonvoters are a lot more than the official, inflated vote counts would have you think.

Pollsters figured out a long time ago that the electoral college are the only votes that matter for President. And the electoral college figured out a long time ago to conspire to keep the bookies guessing about who will be the winner so to make it look like a serious race and a fair election. If the bookies who make odds, or calculate probabilities, can take bets on it then it is a sport, no matter how fixed the outcome is by the Democrat Republican monopoly.
For the rest of the elections, pollsters figured out that the only votes that matter were the national security administrator for each state in the national security administration, and the equivalent of FBI, TSA, intelligence community, CIA station chiefs and their operatives.
The defense intelligence and national security community also figured out long ago to conspire to keep the bookies guessing about the winner. So polls are always a margin of error away from either side winning.

Polling samples are small because most voters do not matter, not because small samples are statistically accurate.
Which is why Al Gore won the most votes and lost the election for U.S. America President.
Which is how we ended up with George Bush and the hunt for Osama Bin Laden. Osama Bin Laden was the C.I.A. hero of the secret Afghanistan war against the Soviet Union who turned like Marlon Brando in "Apocalypse Now" movie.

Rigged polls much the same way in which the stock market is rigged. My bank will sell you a million stocks at a ten dollar increase, your bank pension fund sells me a million stocks at a ten dollar increase, commission is paid or not, and the stocks are up ten dollars.

The stock market is high volume barter with imaginary prices. As any fundamental analyst can tell you, the real estate market crashed long ago like Detroit; and the real estate market is the last to crash, after the bond market, with the stock market being the first to crash.

Stock prices rise when stocks are traded for stocks. Stock prices fall when stocks are traded for cash.

Just as bad as the real estate market. Appraise my land at a million dollars. I borrow a bank mortgage of a million dollars cash with the land as collateral. I keep the cash. I default on the mortgage The government bails the bank out as in Resolution Trust Corporation. What do you know, now the real value of the land is only a few thousand dollars? The appraisal was wrong. The appraisal was just a decree from military law because they said so.

Compare the perfect free market theory of the Chicago school against USAmerica capitalism.
Banks take over apartment complexes, hire do nothing caretakers, and wait for the government to bail them out time and again. Apartments rot and go unrented. Price fixing for minimum rent is rampant so banks get full price on sunk costs from the government on what are now toxic assets: worthless or liabilities.

Eventually the housing is torn down.
The city becomes full of empty lots and fields, like Detroit in Michigan and every other city.
Demolished because only so many times can the same worthless housing be used as collateral for a bank loan, foreclosed on by a bank, then purchased by the government in a bailout, then sold, or dumped, by the government at a low, fire-sale price, then again used as collateral for a bank loan at a high, historically appraised, value.

Often, those homes and buildings being demolished in Detroit, New Orleans, and almost everywhere else were rolled into REITs. As long as banks refused to write off bad loans,
the properties were listed at sunk cost, historical value, book value. Numerous REITs were rolled into market differentials. Many times, the same property was sold to multiple investors. People who thought they were investing in downtown apartments, commercial buildings, or mansion homes were buying parking lots, farmland, brownfields, or even superfund sites. Few speculators checked the tangible goods because they depended on the assessments done by the banks. Meanwhile, the banks knew if they wrote off the bad loans, then their people could face criminal charges for giving those loans in the first place. For the banks, it was easier to wait for another industry wide, Federal bailout like the Resolution Trust Corporation that saved all the bankers, including Neil Bush's bum. For speculators, it was a lotto lottery casino where they seemed to be winning because the money was coming from the trillions dollars national debt that Congress was borrowing.

Ditto for automobile loans.

Even if a bank did write off an automobile loan or real estate loan, i doubt a REIT or market differential would be unbundled to write off the same asset. That is in consideration of all the occasions where the same asset was sold to more than one investor through a REIT or market differential.

High school graduation rates are another potemkin village.
A student needs a stable home from grades 1-12 to succeed. A student has to live in the same home and attend the same school to have an good education.
So the parents must be able to afford the home, whether by rent or mortgage, for at least 12 years.
However, a parent can afford a stable home only with a stable job and a stable income.
But the high rate of foreclosures, firings, and rehirings force parents to switch jobs and to move their families from neighborhood to neighborhood and school to school.
Education becomes very hard for the students, and true graduation rates decline precipitously. Students with transient homes miss a tremendous number of school days and have to start over and over again which puts them many months behind students from stable homes.

Standardized tests that are subject specific in English, social studies, math, and science for grades 10-12 reflect true failure rates; because the number of students in the entire U.S.America population who attempt, much less pass, the standardized high school tests is far below the number of students who started in 1st grade.
Miscounting transfer students, and other expected triage such as death or disability, accounts for a small percentage of the discrepancy between the total number of students who start elementary school and the number of students who graduate high school with a real education, (instead of a diploma mill education or sport athlete education).

A Graduate Equivalency Diploma is a standardized test that is usually passed long after the expected high school graduation age of 18 years old. The giant increase in G.E.D. graduates is more proof of the failure rates for the normal high school diploma of kindergarten through 12th grade.
(The majority of households with elementary school children live paycheck to paycheck. Exceptions are parents who switch to better, more stable jobs, and better neighborhoods with better schools. A student in an upwardly mobile family often completes elementary school grades 1-6, then attends a better school for grades 7-12, more or less. Still, each change of home and school means a student must start over which puts them months behind students who are more established in the neighborhood and school. Making new friends is a simple example of an extra-curricular activity that affects academic performance.)

Cause and effect, fundamental analysis, not flawed statistical samples and correlations.
Empty lots. Empty fields. Abandoned housing. Abandoned buildings. Uprooted families. Not just in Detroit and Baltimore, but in all except the newest cities.

People, in a real capitalist market, housing gets better at a cheaper price just like computers have become better and cheaper. According to the real estate market, an old 1960s computer that runs on hole punch cards would be worth zillions of dollars more than a modern, wireless, internet computer with home and work apps and a high definition screen.

In business university, I saw a desperate attempt to reduce everything into a football, or sport athlete, analogy that a ten year old child could understand.
What they end up with is a dog training manual for humans instead of dogs. Just take a real dog training manual and replace the word dog with
(with the psychology department, organizational behavior, and leadership classes being the worst offenders).
"The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey" is right.

Why is median income so high at $50,000? Because of what Democrat Republican politicians vote to pay themselves, their political appointees, and government employees out of the national debt.
And Democrat Republican politicians have been hiring, like no tomorrow, those who fail to make pro sports and are educated by gym coaches.
The military armed forces and CIA-FBI national security community are as communist an economy as you can get.
Meals ready to eat, MRE, are just a tiny part of the iron rice bowl of guaranteed living expenses. The government owns everything in the military. A military economy is a communist economy.
Obamacare is like a food stamp version of government military health care for everybody else.
Yeah, government employees, particularly in Federal jobs, have very high job security and stable incomes to support their child students from 1st grade through 12th grade.
Anyway, high salaries of too many government jobs have totally skewed real income statistics for the vast majority of workers in the free market.

Royal grand cross bath knight Dwight Eisenhower was not far behind George Bush in corruption as evidenced when Eisenhower privately told Kennedy, after the elections, that he lied about a missile gap between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. And those people who Kennedy thought were mafia were our own CIA FBI national security spy agents. War criminals, I should think so, they just rolled with the punches and said yes, we are mafia. Kennedy inherited them from Eisenhower along with the fake missile gap. Royal grand cross bath knight Ronald Reagan had Alzheimer's that was a good deal less severe than U.S. Senator Strom Thurmond, which was completely undiagnosed by the entire American Psychiatric Association while they were in office or official Democrat Republican candidates for office.

The FBI-CIA- national security community, military armed forces, and police are gym coach heaven and sport athlete hero heaven, starting with boot camp.
Football athlete heaven. Football coach heaven. Contact sport heaven. Starting with boot camp.

You know, the gym coach who shows a film instead of following a lesson plan when he has to substitute for the English or social studies teacher in high school. Ohhhh, shock and awe, the video speaks for itself, what counts is winning the fight in the battle of Baghdad against Saddam Hussein.

Grades and test scores since high school and elementary school mostly show that gym coaches and sport hero athletes are great at wrong answers, particularly those who are in contact sports and in tryout teams for the lotto lottery money, professional sports of football, baseball, and basketball.

The Democrats, Republicans, and their bodyguard of CIA FBI TSA national security community, military armed forces, and police, (almost all of whom were recruited from contact sport, hero athletics or street fighter gangs), should have paid attention to their social studies and English teachers in high school instead of paying attention to their gym coaches or the queen of England.

The Republican Democrat U.S.A. tried to carpet bomb our enemies into the stone age from Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos to Iraq, Afghanistan, Tora Bora, and more. Meanwhile, our cold war enemies are herding the Democrats, Republicans, and their bodyguard of national security community agents, military armed forces troops, and police officers onto sub suburban reservations, much in the way our forefathers and their cavalry herded pre-Columbian, native American tribes onto indian reservations. The gym coach and sport hero athlete mentality overwhelmingly enjoy hunting and fishing, so they do not notice much change. Strangely enough, this is clearly foretold in a "Star Trek: The Original Series", episode called "The Omega Glory", about Kohms against Yangs, or communists against yankees, where Kohms end up with the cities and Yangs end up with the wilderness.

Nothing in the Bible says that white Euros have to dominate America instead of Oriental Asians. Besides, in general, Orientals and Asians score higher on standardized tests designed for U.S.America in U.S. America schools in English America compared against white Euros. Can you imagine the U.S.A. with oriental asians as the dominant class on television, in media,  and in politics, instead of white Euros? Is it easier to imagine a black President and black Supreme Court? But white Euros and blacks have the best football, basketball, and baseball teams, as well as the best national security community fighters and military armed forces fighters, you say?

"How a Japanese American burst Japan's bubble on racism"
PRI's The World
May 12, 2015 · 12:45 PM EDT
By Naomi Gingold
Sorry to burst your bubble, PRI, but http://www.debito.org/, as in Debito Arudou.
Miki Dezaki is a Johnny come lately.
Those who do not know common-law precedent are doomed to repeat it.
Homogenous society is a euphemism for apartheid. Japan is a royally homogenous society.
A stereotypical Japanese has a drinking problem to forget. And top university graduates play ping pong all day on the job in the Ministry of Finance.
I think Truman and Eisenhower forgot too.
Yamamoto, Tojo, Hirohito, King George 3rd, Caesar, Pharoh, and Montezuma must be laughing from their graves at George Washington and the founders of the USAmerica Constitution and Declaration of

Our elite nuclear forces, (who were caught cheating on their tests for promotion in fraternity, test bank answer, style), are a bunch of security guards. Not exactly rocket science, is it? If you sleep on the job, first close the blast doors. If you get the order to launch, press the button. The button won't work even if you press it unless real rocket scientists use a remote control. To make both rocket and warhead work, you will need to learn a whole lot about rocket science, nuclear science, and computer science, not to mention engineering and manufacturing, so while your at it, learn at least five or six foreign languages fluently, maybe even Chinese and Swahili.

Matthew 8:9
9 For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me: and I say to this man, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to
my servant, Do this, and he doeth it.
King James Version (KJV)

To understand military secrets is to understand how mutiny is prevented.
When employees are given weapons, then what is to prevent the employees from using the weapons against their bosses?
What prevents mutiny, whether the employees are slaves or prisoners or troops or officers or workers or students or professors or boss chief
leaders or politicians or spies?
What prevents our own weapons from being used against us?
Our government sells, or gives, guns and tanks and missiles and airplanes and secret stuff to other nations or allies or employees.
Is mutiny prevention not just loyalty and trust and training, but also includes many psychiatric, neurological, and experimental medical atrocities performed on people in NAZI death camp, black site, black-ops, as well as computer technologies and other mysteries?
Who is your god and what is his power? Mutineers want to know.
Who is watching the watchers?

Newton's law for the conservation of matter.
(Force = mass * acceleration)
Planck-Einstein law for the conservation of energy.
Integrate Force with respect to distance.
(Kinetic Energy = 1/2 * mass * velocity**2)
The secret law for the conservation of space.
Integrate Kinetic Energy with respect to distance.
(Yes, three dimensional space / two dimensional time.)
Like, duh, Stephen Hawking. :o

All those newspaper reports about particles moving back in time in the superconducting supercollider? Uh uh no. Energy was transformed into space. So the position of the particle changed, not the time. Just an observation.

I was a fresh M.B.A. So I knew the mentality of Reagonomics C.I.A. brats.
At a Unitarian Universalist Church gathering about 1993, I told a Rice University professor to forget about twisted pair, telephone copper, two wire, data compression mathematics for an internet over already existing telephone infrastructure.
I told the professor that MBA executives will cheat by increasing the bandwidth through coaxial cable, which infrastructure installation was still classified Top Secret, but I had easily guessed.
I guessed through lessons in telecommunications about the capabilities of  twisted pair copper vs. coaxial vs. fiber optics when our professors insisted that an internet was still a science fiction fantasy and Fax machines were state of the art.

All war is deception. - Sun Tzu

Take the moral high ground. - the Bible

National debt as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product, GDP, is not the issue.
National debt should be compared to annual Federal expenditures.
Annual Federal spending is now free government paid for by national debt. That is how high Federal debt is since years ago.
But the Federal government does a lot of work, so the Federal government is not free.
Who pays for the cost of free Federal government?
Mostly the winners of the Communist Vietnam war pay for our free Federal government.
So the Federal government is working for the winners of the Communist Vietnam war.
And that is the cost of losing the Communist Vietnam war.
Yes indeed, there are consequences when the Democrat Republican monopoly of  USAmerica commits kill box, all out, total war and secret carpet bombing and war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The Democrat Republican party are now in the rubbish pile of American history, along with Benedict Arnold, King George III, the British monarchy, (the Episcopal Church, the Church of England, the Anglican Communion), the European aristocracy, Emperor Caesar, the ancient Spartan Line, King Pharoh, and Sodom & Gomorrah. Which is why Puritans and Pilgrims left Europe for America in the first place. Get answers backwards in social studies class, cheat to pass, and you are fit for gym coach heaven in military law or national security gollum "spy war hell".

The only safe issues for a third party are to champion states' rights and to abolish Federal government. Otherwise a third party is shark chum for the Democrat Republican bodyguards, (the national security community, the armed forces, or police), who can be undercover, plain clothes, or uniformed. Third party members have a day job in addition to their political activity. Democrat Republican "law enforcement" do not worry about income or expenses, they are rich, while they stake out, fish, entrap, persecute, or  infiltrate  third parties to gather inside information, to corporate spy, to pillage, to plunder, to rape, and to sabotage.

Internet search results have been cleansed to hide the fact that Peru intelligence were equipped, trained, and often commanded by the USAmerica
F.B.I. et al, but the Wall Street Journal is one of the few search results left
Three Women Felt Agency's Wrath After Baring Its Misdeeds to Public
Matt Moffett Staff Reporter of The Wall Street Journal
Updated May 30, 2000 12:01 a.m. ET
to say that
Leonor La Rosa
& Mariela Barreto
were "ordered to wiretap reporters and opposition politicians", but without mention of going undercover against student groups.
Originally, in 1997, there were detailed accounts of Leonor La Rosa's undercover activities against students and political dissidents. One day
she walked into her headquarters, then everybody silently turned to look at her, before she was hauled into the basement.
While she was in a hospital bed after being crippled, Leonor La Rosa was convinced to testify in public only because she learned that her
companion spy agent, Mariela Barreto, had been tortured and killed.
The point is, our gollums in the FBI CIA NSA et al taught spies in Peru how to infiltrate, entrap, and neutralize students, dissidents, political opponents, and
mainstream mass media, then cover it up, same as in our USAmerica two party monopoly.

Undercover police had children with activists
Disclosure likely to intensify controversy over long-running police operation to infiltrate and sabotage protest groups

The Metropolitan Police is to pay £425,000 to a woman whose child was fathered by a man who she did not know was an undercover police officer.
Jacqui said: "The legal case is finished but there is no closure for me. There is the money, but there is no admission by the police that what they did was wrong, there is no meaningful apology and most importantly there are no answers.

Iraq Saddam Hussein, Panama Manuel Noriega, Afghanistan Osama Bin Laden, Angola Jonas Savimbi, Peru Alberto Fujimori, Nicaragua Contras, of course the President of South Vietnam, Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, and so much more
were all trained, equipped, and often commanded by the FBI CIA NSA et al to enforce USAmerica style, party monopoly, tactics.
But Democrat Republican allies of USAmerica had to do it on a poverty budget.

World War Two – The Phony War

No agents or their families of the police, military, NYPD, FBI, CIA, NSA, TSA, et al were hurt
in the making of this movie,
[candid camera, peeping tom, stalking, secret surveillance, eavesdropping, insider trading, inside information, concealed microphone, hidden webcam, secret bugging],
about me,
(or in movies about young female Muslim students, or in movies about boosters of small parties who compete against the Democrat Republican monopoly).
They have nothing to fear if they are innocent.
Obedience is better than sacrifice.
Holocaust denial does not exist.
There is no secret war.
Nobody disappeared before all the derelict or abandoned properties in Detroit and everywhere else were demolished.
gollum, Lord of the spy ring.
Hellmouth is not a thing.

Bill Cosby? Senator Strom Thurmond's secret illegitimate child could be the least of it.
Rest assured J. Edgar Hoover, royal GCB knight George Bush, their agencies et al and affiliates are far worse,
with judicial corruption, judges, being most hidden outside media spotlights.
Think Gollum Lord of the spy Ring of power corrupts absolutely.

Hide crimes committed by members of the Democrat Republican coalition against civilians? Our government hides military secrets against civilians. Crimes by members of the Democrat Republican coalition are not military secrets.

The Democrat Republican coalition is the "party in power" but not the government. The real USAmerica government is more of a referee, umpire, or judge who includes all third parties. The USAmerica government has the ability to herd the "party in power", with their bodyguards of national security community, armed forces, and police, into "indian reservations", much the same as treaties presently under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Usually, gifted high school academics eagerly read current events in national and international news media in addition to their classroom studies.
Many gifted high school intellectuals  turned to alcohol or drugs because they wanted to believe their teachers, but subconsciously realized that U.S. politicians were talking backwards by exalting military law, Roman Colosseum stadiums, and gym class. 
News coverage of politicians talking backwards by glorifying military law, as in

and that is just the tip of the iceberg ever since the Vietnam war or World War Two or F.B.I. Director J. Edgar Hoover.
Drugs and alcoholism dumb down honor students so honor students learn wrong answers.
Dumbed down, wrong answers do more readily agree with mainstream mass media, current events, politicians, judges, our military, and lotto lottery, big money, pro sports,
(ahem, koff koff, Steve Ballmer, L.A. Clippers).
Alcoholism and drugs are a dangerous way to learn poverty as a second language, because alcoholism and drugs attract criminal elements. (i.e. my own biographies and Pretenders' Chrissie Hynde's autobiography and Beatles biographies).

And more Roman Colosseum stadium, Nazi Fuhrer Hitler's Munich Olympics' glory, which should say something about what dumbed down, sick-o criminals our "warriors" are, if the New York City Serpico Knapp Commission taught us anything, with exceptions.
The F.B.I. et al (C.I.A., N.S.A., T.S.A., etc.) made a deal with mafia organized crime to assassinate Cuban President Fidel Castro in the President Kennedy administration,
the way the F.B.I. et al have been making deals with drug cartels to stalk, harass, cripple, or eliminate U.S. citizens who are a political opposition against the Democrat Republican monopoly.
Mormons and F.B.I. et al try to use organized crime to do dirty deeds the way Nixon's hired Cuban Watergate burglars did criminal work.
Whereas the Bible tells us to be morally superior, a motto of the FBI CIA NSA TSA et al, as glamorized in Hollywood movies, is how
"it takes a thief to catch a thief", which translates as
"it takes a terrorist to fight a terrorist".

USAmerica does not need a Berlin Wall to keep in dissidents. Just blacklist dissidents to drive them into poverty and homelessness, then throw them in prison or psychiatric wards.
Blacklists, poverty, homelessness, prisons, and psychiatry wards are how Utah's politics kept Mormon homogeneity, and how the Democrat Republican system shut out all other political parties.
Blacklists, from 1950's McCarthyism to the present, in USAmerica where more citizens are in prisons and psychiatry wards than any other country.

A political party who exalt military fighters instead of educated civilian workers
is a city mayor who depends on police to ticket people for revenue,
is a college university who depend on a football team with athletic scholarships for revenue,
is a national debt disaster.

Richer people already use E.W.O. (electronic weapons officer, GPS ground&air traffic controllers) mechanized robotics to replace human fighters, bodyguards, and soldiers.

USAmerica is becoming rich in gold, diamonds, oil, natural gas, mining, ignorance, illiteracy, fishing, hunting, lotto lottery, professional sports, fighters, soldiers, and mercenaries, but poor in education, just like deep, dark, poverty third world, Africa.

Computerized "program trading" arbitrage milks speculators who sell short or who buy put options because they bet on the market falling. Thus the wild up and down fluctuations in the stock market. Computer program trading arbitrage is super fast? And you thought chess computers were smart?

Or if it had been, you couldn't find it in Greenwich Village at 9 P.M. on Christmas Eve.
We'd bought the tree in the dark. A man with a truck had parked in a dark spot on Eighth Avenue around Jane Street and was hawking trees off the truck bed. We figured he'd chosen a dark spot because he was illegal and didn't want the cops to notice, so would give us a good price.
He gave us a good price all right. When we got home, of course, we saw it was not the cops he wanted to keep in the dark, but the customers...Worst Christmas tree I ever bought.
Observer; Needles And Chisels
Published: December 19, 1992
New York Times
R.I.P. William Safire, old pen pal buddy. Hmmmmm...life after death?

Dual use issues, such as global warming for civilians and stealth technology for military,
are sung in "Double Vision" by Foreigner.

People follow jobs. Schools follow families.
Since most jobs in the new economy are part time, or temporary, children do switch schools often.
So brick and mortar schools have become obsolete, since online, internet schools offer children a more reliable education.

Children can attend the same online, internet school almost wherever their family moves in pursuit of temporary jobs, or part time jobs.
Children who travel can get a kindergarten through 12th grade education in one school, with familiar teachers and classmates and administration, as long as they are "connected on the grid" with necessary tools.

Well you wouldn't even know a diamond if you held it in your hand
I can't understand the things you think are precious
[probably from lyrics of Reeling in the years. But I don't remember, to quote Ronald Reagan? Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, life goes on]

World Wide Web computer, webcam technology, is the George Orwell "1984" book crown jewels.

I have my grubby little hands all over the George Orwell "1984" crown jewels.

Why don't you hitch a ride on a stealth bomber and disappear?

The Pelagian heresy says we use GOD Holy Spirit.
The heresy is wrong.
GOD Holy Spirit uses us.

Is this a preacher from Space City or from aboard the Death Star?