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A Systematic, Democrat & Republican, Party Machine, Monopoly
(Obedience is better than sacrifice)

The Democrat & Republican monopoly forces victims into homosexuality, most often through prison rapes arranged by administrators and guards, (but also through murderous, dirty trick, blacklists).

Then, in exchange for personal loyalty, the Democrat & Republican monopoly offers to restore a victim's "honor and pride" through a "political appointee, bossy chief, military style, job" and a "trophy wife, arranged sham marriage with hostage children".

Most victims are never truly restored, or rehabilitated, but become deviants who pursue heinous perversions under cover of their "political appointee, bossy chief, military style, job" and "trophy wife, arranged sham marriage with hostage children".
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie's posse of perverse, criminal, deviants is a drop in the bucket of all Democrat & Republican monopoly crimes; since they covertly attack themselves, you can believe how much worse the Democrat & Republican monopoly do use murderous dirty tricks to sabotage and destroy small parties and third parties.
The Democrat & Republican monopoly has few converts and many hostages as a result of choosing "overwhelming force revenge" instead of justice and truth commissions. Democracy is to oppose bad leadership, while at the same time as to offer something better for a majority of "we the people" to support.

James T. Hart in the "The Paper Chase" movie: take the deal, squash the truth commission
Worse than Dennis Hastert, and Dennis Hastert has committed much worse than what is public, is the rule, not the exception, although Federal judges are even worse criminals.
Worse than Bill Cosby and Jimmy Savile, too. There is proof in sealed records of FBI witness protection style programs, which are not available to "we the people", the public.
And war crimes, and crimes against humanity. Wow, do they value living like bossy royalty in the most expensive transportation, restaurants, lodgings, and establishments in the known world instead of a truth commission!
But you can see why, UNFORTUNATELY, when the wrong answer is the right answer because the right answer is a military secret and Forgive or Forget or Else.

Matthew 23:15 (KJV)
15 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.

More often than not, victims who accept deals of "pride & honor & loyalty" from the Democrat & Republican monopoly do convince themselves to enjoy, (or champion), the homosexuality, (or bisexuality), into which they were forced, particularly if they were raped in prison.

Of course there are many good homosexuals who are literate and well educated enough to be law abiding, (just as there were good Jews and bad Jews documented in the Old Testament Bible, Torah, and Koran).

But is the Democrat & Republican monopoly well intentioned?

Well intentioned is like a Nazi who believes a good deed is to follow orders from Fuhrer Hitler, (or Emperor Caesar, or Egypt Pharoh), to torture and liquidate "subhuman undesirables" in death camps, (and too much collateral damage, too many incidentals). Or as a famous proverb says, "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.".

Poverty in Africa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
African nations typically fall toward the bottom of any list measuring small size economic activity, such as income per capita or GDP per capita, despite a wealth of natural resources.
List of countries by literacy rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The literacy rate varies throughout the world with developed nations having a rate of 99.2% (2013) and sub-Saharan Africa at 64.0% (2015)
Twenty trillions dollars national debt is really a huge increase of poverty in USAmerica.
(Because people who owe a lot of money are poor?)
And inferior education causes poverty,
(with Yale U law school a leader in inferior education of the worst "dumb jock fraternity, football colleges".
Yale U covers-up its crimes and corruption with $20 billion cash inventory in a trust fund, since excess inventory hides problems in production according to Just In Time management theory.
Education by USAmerica "MSM mainstream mass media" "news and current events"  is so corrupt that MSM does cause citizens to make "GIGO garbage in/garbage out" decisions that increase poverty and national debt).
Decreases in the quality of education does cause USAmerica to become rich in natural resources (such as gold, diamonds, land, gas, and oil) but poor in knowledge, just like deep, dark, Africa.

http://www.gocomics.com/rabbitsagainstmagic/2016/07/10 Rabbits Against Magic by Jonathan Lemon, July 10, 2016 Via GoComics

The Democrat & Republican monopoly is a "party machine" that systematically forces people into criminally perverse depravities or poverty, then offers the victims "honor & pride & royal aristocrat, diplomatic immunity" in exchange for "loyalty & obedience" (in a FBI "witness protection program" style with sealed histories or false identities).

Shoe by Gary Brookins and Susie MacNelly, May 18, 2016 Via GoComics

Let's Make a Deal w/ Monty Hall - Wikipedia


Global warming/Climate change:
Go stealth technology or go bust.
(stealth or bust)
(Miner '49ers: California or bust-1849 gold rush)
Stealth technology has fewer emissions whether those emissions are greenhouse gasses or sewage or plain, old, landfill garbage or light pollution or heat pollution.
Fewest or fewer emissions?
There is always a better way because only GOD is perfect.
Herd the "20 trillion dollar national debt, Democrat & Republican monopoly" onto reservations under the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA):
Democrat & Republican reservations that are rich in gold, gems, oil, gas, land, and natural resources, but poor in education (knowledge) "just like deep, dark, poverty Africa".